domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009


Koalas are solitary animals. Sometimes they can be seen in groups, but never in groups with more than ten elements, which mostly consists of several females and one dominant male. It is a very quiet animal, it can sleep 14 hours and the rest of the time spends it looking for food.

Koalas eat only leaves and bark from eucalyptus trees. There are over 600 types, or species of these trees, but Koalas only eat the leaves and bark from 12 of them.

They can be found along the eastern coast of Australia, from the Atherton Tableland west of Cairns in Queensland, down through New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia . They also live on islands off the coast of Queensland, Victoria and South Australia.

Reasons for being endangered
Once there were millions of Koalas, but in the early 20th century the Koala was hunted almost to extinction. In the 1920s nearly eight million koalas were killed, largely for their fur.

The most common causes of koala deaths are dog attacks and motor vehicle accidents. In recent years some colonies of koals have been hard hit by desease.

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