domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

Polar Bear

The polar bear is one of the largest species of bear. Some specimens can reach about 2 feet long and weigh 700 kilos. Although heavy and solid, moves with ease in the white landscape of the Arctic. Long hair greasy and keeps your body warm, and the subcutaneous fat layer is an additional protection against the cold.
Polar bears inhabit the regions of the Arctic Circle and the surrounding territories, including Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Greenland and the nearby islands, such as Svalbard (Norway) and Wrangel (Russia).

With the melting of ice caps, many bears have been found drowned away from their natural homelands, the victims of displacement of huge masses of ice that break off with the animals up and eventually melt, leaving the Bears far from a local firm and causing, although they are excellent swimmers, will eventually die.

The polar bear enjoys protection in the international conservation of the species. Hunting was banned in international waters, but it was recognized that right of indigenous peoples (Eskimos). Females and young enjoy absolute protection.
Another reason for the defrost

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